Title : Puppet of a Male figure
Accession No : 66/7/4260 (24)
The traditional puppet from Andhra Pradesh, Tholu Bommalata can be seen standing. The Puppet can be seen with a cap on his Head. He is wearing elaborated ornaments all over his body. The figure can be seen bare- chested in a red dhoti, wearing mojaris. He has a caste mark over his forehead. One limp appears to be bigger than the other.
- StateAndhra Pradesh
- ConditionPoor
- RemarksRestoration Required
- Action NoteCR
- Community / TribeRao-Reddy
- Measurement (CMS)150 x 66
- Weight (GRMS)0.00
- Socio economicTholu Bommalata is the shadow puppet tradition of Andhra Pradesh. The group of performers were usually a part of a group of entertainers and travellers who were continuously moving across villages during the entire year. They often sang ballads and provided knowledge of Hindu epics and local folk tales. They often reenacted various stories from Hindu epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata.
- ArtisticTholu Bommalata is considered unique for their large size. The puppets appear on the stage and a white curtain is set behind. The audience can only view the coloured shadows, but not the actual puppets through the light source.
- DescriptionThe traditional puppet from Andhra Pradesh, Tholu Bommalata can be seen standing. The Puppet can be seen with a cap on his Head. He is wearing elaborated ornaments all over his body. The figure can be seen bare- chested in a red dhoti, wearing mojaris. He has a caste mark over his forehead. One limp appears to be bigger than the other.
- Inscription/Markings Yes
- Reference"https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tholu_bommalata "
- KeywordPuppet, Thola Bommalata, Andhra, Face, Leather, Shadow, Portrait