Title : Figurine of Brass Owl
Accession No : VC/BB/88/80
Owl figure has a fusiform body shape (tapered at both ends), with no beak. It has a large head, elongated body and short neck. The tail is very short. Legs and webbed feet are set front on the body. It has carvings on the neck. It appears to be naked with no feathers. The body is weak and frail. No features are visible.
- StateChhattisgarh
- ConditionDamaged
- RemarksDamaged at places
- Action NoteCR
- Community / TribeJhara
- Measurement (CMS)13 x 8.5 x 4
- ArtisticMolten material, typically metal, is used in casting operations. Then, a cavity in a mould that will later become the shape of the finished object is filled with this molten material. When the desired shape is achieved, the molten material cools while typically absorbing heat from the mould.
- DescriptionOwl figure has a fusiform body shape (tapered at both ends), with no beak. It has a large head, elongated body and short neck. The tail is very short. Legs and webbed feet are set front on the body. It has carvings on the neck. It appears to be naked with no feathers. The body is weak and frail. No features are visible.
- Inscription/Markings No
- Reference"S.D. Trivedi, U.C. Dwivedi, ed. Metallic Art of India. New Delhi: Sharda Publishing House, 2009. Chattopadhaya, Kamaladevi. Handicrafts of India. New Delhi: Indian Council for Cultural Research, 1975."
- KeywordOwl, Ullu, Fusiform, Tapered, Tail, Beak, Eyes, Socket, Wildlife, Decorative, Bird